Wah wah it's been quite a while that I 'left' my journal.. Oh but it doesn't mean that baby's development has not been monitored intensively.
It's Friday again that I'm writing here! Ya, sebab when Friday comes it means that it's time for me to unwind myself from 5 days of work. Hehe. More time to relax, more time to play with my baby. Yay or nay? I'm not sure either. Because I believe that during working days that i manage my QUALITY TIME much better! :)
MashaAllah tabarakallah, my darling sayang is 26weeks and 5 days old now. Next week will turn 27weeks. Alhamdulillah is all I can say :')
During the last ANC on 12th June 2012 at Klinik Kesihatan, Alhamdulillah everything was well. I was given an injection to avoid 'kancing gigi'. Ikut sajalah apa yang nurse suruh.
And a week before, during appointment with Doktor Noriah, doc said that.... it might be a GIRL! hehehe Alhamdulillah lagi! :) I personally do not have any expectation. It's alwaaaaysss okay, be it a girl or boy. Mama suka and sayang! Oh Allah has given me this beautiful ni'mah, I just cannot ask for more. Allah knows what is best for us. But it might not be final yet! Because baby was about 24weeks at that time :)
Okay, for now I'm still waiting for other surprises to come. What are they? Yeah, it's actually the stretch marks, the edema or swelling in the hands, legs, ankles and feet (kaki bengkak). Alhamdulillah the symtoms are small so far. I know that I cannot avoid that, but at least I'm aware that I can reduce them. Maybe because I'm a teacher, that I walk quite a lot from one class to another, so the edema is not around yet.
MashaAllah tabarakallah, there are almost 14 weeks more to go! Of course I cannot wait to see my darling, which I know is a very good and soleh/solehah one. Ameen ya Rabb.
Ya Allah permudahkan segala urusanku sepanjang kehamilan ini, dan permudahkan juga saat hambaMu melahirkan zuriatku ini. Ameen.
Till then, to whoever read my blog, saya mengharapkan doa yang baik, semoga dimudahkan segala urusan saya, sebelum, semasa dan selepas kelahiran baby. Semoga doa yang baik itu akan kembali kepada anda. Thank you!
Nabilah ^_^
Mamanis nak dapat baby gegirlll!! Auwww~~~ :)
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